Globus Relief is a 4 star charity
Globus Relief ranks in the top 1% of charities on Charity Navigator, with a perfect 100/100 score.
Globus Relief has worked with a number of charities across the globe
Here are some words from our partners.
"Globus Relief's exceptional 4-star rating sets it apart from its peers and demonstrates its trustworthiness to the public. Only a quarter of charities rated by Charity Navigator receive the distinction of our 4-star rating. This adds Globus Relief to a preeminent group of charities working to overcome our world's most pressing challenges. Based on its 4-star rating.
People can trust that their donations are going to a financially responsible and ethical charity when they decide to support Globus Relief."
Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator
"As you know, our partnership began over 10 years ago, in 2013. Since then, your team has partnered with us on our Beyond Mobility medical gift-in-kind program, providing 39 full containers of necessary supplies and equipment to benefit people all over the world in need of quality and reliable healthcare. Most recently we have worked together to provide life-saving medical supplies in the Dominican Republic, Eswatini, and Pakistan, sometimes providing aid in areas hit hard by natural disasters, pandemics, and civil unrest."
Nuka Solomon, CEO of Free Wheelchair Mission
"Human Appeal would like to express our profound gratitude for all your efforts in supporting our humanitarian work this year by providing Gift In-Kinds (GIK) of medical consumables to us but also by securing sponsors to fund the shipping costs.
Thanks to this new approach, Globus Relief has enabled us to increase the number of shipments we did in 2023 and contributed to have a greater impact for the right-holders we endeavour to serve."
Mehdi Benmrad, Director of International Programmes at Human Appeal
"We appreciate Globus's dedication and service to humanity in the countries where we have partnered on projects."
Hany Saqr, CEO of Life for Relief and Development
“Globus Relief has a mission and supportive activities that are very impressive. All they do is for the good of the poor and needy of all parts of the world. Their not-for-profit administrative costs are some of the lowest in the country. I recommend any company to consider support the Globus Relief organization in any way they can. That can come from donating product, equipment, and even time. It’s a great cause! I am proud to be associated with Globus Relief, both from a personal viewpoint but also as I represent Intermountain Healthcare."
Brent Johnson, Vice President – Supply Chain at Intermountain Healthcare